Re-parenting a topic

15 Jul 2015 - 23:51 | Version 1 |

The breadcrumbs (Contribs > TipsContrib > TipsOfTheDay, for example) of any topic is constructed automatically in Foswiki by following the set topic parent. In the footer of a topic viewed with the default PatternSkin is a More topic actions link which will allow you to select a new parent for the page.

To re-parent a page: To re-parent a topic:
  1. Click More topic actions on the topic you wish to re-parent
  2. Navigate to Set new topic parent
  3. Begin typing a new parent topic name
  4. Select a new parent from the list
  5. Click on the Set new parent button

You will notice that the breadcrumb will now reflect the new parent.

See More Tips...
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