Go Box
The box at the top or sidebar of each page, also called Jump box.
Enter a topic name to quickly jump to the topic, for example:
- WebNotify to jump to WebNotify in the current web
- Main.WebNotify to jump to WebNotify in the Main web
- Main. to jump to the home of the Main web
- BrandNewTopic to jump to a non existing topic in the current web, which is useful to create orphaned topics
Enter part of a topic name to get a list of similar topics, for example:
- faq to get Creating applications with DataForms, Deleting and renaming topics, Deleting and renaming attachments, Get Foswiki, Explanation of Foswiki's =repRev= feature, FAQEditTemplate, FAQForm, Foswiki software license, HiddenUsersAndGroups, Rebuilding %WIKIUSERSTOPIC% topic, Fixing broken =%SEARCH= caused by faulty configuration., How simultaneous edits are handled in Foswiki, FAQTemplate, Troubleshooting Extensions, FAQViewTemplate, Definition of "WikiWiki", FAQWhyYouAreAskedToConfirm, NatSkinFAQ
- Main.users to jump to the Main web from any web, and get a list of topics about users (all in one step)
https://mia.phsz.ch/pub/Main/SitePreferences/w02888.png Tip: Entering part of a topic name is a simple, yet powerful way to quickly navigate to content of interest, also in a large wiki.
Note: The Go box is not a search box
Related Topics: UserDocumentationCategory