Glossary of Terms

17 Jan 2023 - 12:51 | Version 1 |

Glossary of Foswiki-specific terminology.

Any type of file that is uploaded via browser and attached to a topic, where it can be viewed and downloaded. Details...
Any Extension that is not a Plugin.
(Data) Form
Form displayed with each topic that can be filled in with additional information about the topic Details...
Prepackaged server-side extension that extends the capabilities of the wiki in some way. Plugins, Contribs, and Skins are all Extensions.
User name
The name which you use to log in. This may be the same as your WikiName, or it may be another login identifier such as your corporate ID or email address. Details...
Text strings of the form %MACRO{}% that are expanded into text, images, or any other type of embedded content; there are system macros coded into the core, and more can be defined by Plugins. See Details...
A Wiki page. A page is composed of the template/skin decoration and topic content.
Type of Extension that adds some kind of interactive feature, such as a macro. Details...
One of the site-wide, web and single user-level preference settings
An end-user installation accessible via the web.
Skins define the header/footer layout of pages, and the style in which the topic is presented in the browser. Skins are typically enabled site-wide or per web. Details...
TemplateTopics set the default content for new topics. SkinTemplates define how pages are rendered
TopicMarkupLanguage, a simple formatting shorthand that can be used when editing topics.
The content of a Wiki page, consisting of text, an optional form and optional attachments. It has a WikiName that's unique within its web. Details...
A collection of topics under a common name. Various features, like search, access privileges, Plugin availability, template design, can be controlled on a web-wide basis. Details...
The name of a user as a WikiWord, usually their first name and last names connected by a space e.g. JaneSmith Details...

Related topics: UserDocumentationCategory
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