This is the list of variables to configure the skin style:
Name (url param) |
Values | Description | Default |
NATSKIN_DARKMODE | on, off, auto | switch on/off the dark mode; if left undefined or set to 'auto' the user's system settings take effect; there is a dark mode toggle button as well which sets a cookie with the preferences; note that you need to enable the $Foswiki::cfg{NatSkin}{DarkModeFeature} |
NATSKIN_LAYOUT (skinlayout) | fixed, fluid, bordered, fullscreen, sticky | select a page layout | fixed |
NATSKIN_MENU (skinmenu) | on, off | switch on/off the horizontal menu above the topic area | on |
NATSKIN_SIDEBAR (skinsidebar) | left, right, both, off, toggle | configure where to display the sidebar | right |
NATSKIN_STYLE (style) | customato, jazzynote, matter | select a predefined style | matter |
NATSKIN_TOPBAR | on, off | switch on/off the top bar, the one that normally contains the logo and the horizontal menu | on |
NATSKIN_VARIATION (skinvariation) | jazzynote: green, red, matter: topmenu | select a style variation | none |
: switch back to the user and server settings by reverting any session preferences
* Set NATSKIN_STYLE = matter * Set NATSKIN_LAYOUT = fixed * Set NATSKIN_MENU = on * Set NATSKIN_SIDEBAR = right * Set NATSKIN_VARIATION = frontpage
Name | Description |
text displayed when logging in, defaults to "Welcome to ..." |
image url to be displayed in the background of the login screen (see MatterTheme) |
the language of the current topic; this is used by search engines like SolrPlugin to run different stemming procedures while indexing the topic (defaults to auto-detect) |
the <title>... of the html page; if no HTMLTITLE is defined the NatSkin will check for some formfields (Headlines, TopicDescription) to be used as a html page title and back off to the topic name |
the separator of items in the HTMLTITLE (defaults to a dash ('-')) |
the value of this variable will be used to construct <meta name="author" ... /> in the html head |
the value of this variable will be used to construct <meta name="description" ... /> in the html head |
the value of this variable will be used to construct <meta name="keywords" ... /> in the html head |
this is the <meta name="generator" ... /> tag, defaulting to Foswiki |
the title to be used displaying a WikiWord link to the current page; this is set automatically using NatEditPlugin |
* Set DEFAULT_METAKEYWORDS = keyword1, keyword2, keyword3 * Set METAKEYWORDS = %DEFAULT_METAKEYWORDS%to the WebPreferences and add extra keyword data per topic like this
* Set METAKEYWORDS = %DEFAULT_METAKEYWORDS%, keyword4, keyword5, keyword6Caution: don't add meta data to your home topic because it will override all other meta data preferences.