
27 Jan 2025 - 13:26 | Version 1 |

Theme configuration

The different NatSkin styles are controlled using preference variables and can be set

Use the NatSkin Style Browser to preview the known styles and settings. Note that the selection made there will only last for the current session. You need to add the respective preference variables to your home topic or the WebPreferences or the SitePreferences to make the selection persistent.

This is the list of variables to configure the skin style:

(url param)
Values Description Default
NATSKIN_DARKMODE on, off, auto switch on/off the dark mode; if left undefined or set to 'auto' the user's system settings take effect; there is a dark mode toggle button as well which sets a cookie with the preferences; note that you need to enable the $Foswiki::cfg{NatSkin}{DarkModeFeature}  
NATSKIN_LAYOUT (skinlayout) fixed, fluid, bordered, fullscreen, sticky select a page layout fixed
NATSKIN_MENU (skinmenu) on, off switch on/off the horizontal menu above the topic area on
NATSKIN_SIDEBAR (skinsidebar) left, right, both, off, toggle configure where to display the sidebar right
NATSKIN_STYLE (style) customato, jazzynote, matter select a predefined style matter
NATSKIN_TOPBAR on, off switch on/off the top bar, the one that normally contains the logo and the horizontal menu on
NATSKIN_VARIATION (skinvariation) jazzynote: green, red, matter: topmenu select a style variation none

There are a couple of special url parameters:
  • style=reset: switch back to the user and server settings by reverting any session preferences

  * Set NATSKIN_STYLE = matter
  * Set NATSKIN_LAYOUT = fixed
  * Set NATSKIN_MENU = on
  * Set NATSKIN_SIDEBAR = right
  * Set NATSKIN_VARIATION = frontpage

Preference variables

There is a set of variables that can be used influence how NatSkin behaves or renders pages.

Name Description
NATSKIN_LOGINTITLE text displayed when logging in, defaults to "Welcome to ..."
NATSKIN_LOGINBANNER image url to be displayed in the background of the login screen (see MatterTheme)
CONTENT_LANGUAGE the language of the current topic; this is used by search engines like SolrPlugin to run different stemming procedures while indexing the topic (defaults to auto-detect)
HTMLTITLE the <title>... of the html page; if no HTMLTITLE is defined the NatSkin will check for some formfields (Headlines, TopicDescription) to be used as a html page title and back off to the topic name
HTMLTITLESEP the separator of items in the HTMLTITLE (defaults to a dash ('-'))
METAAUTHOR the value of this variable will be used to construct <meta name="author" ... /> in the html head
METADESCRIPTION the value of this variable will be used to construct <meta name="description" ... /> in the html head
METAKEYWORDS the value of this variable will be used to construct <meta name="keywords" ... /> in the html head
METAKGENERATOR this is the <meta name="generator" ... /> tag, defaulting to Foswiki
TOPICTITLE the title to be used displaying a WikiWord link to the current page; this is set automatically using NatEditPlugin

Hint: Assign default meta data per web by adding

  * Set DEFAULT_METAKEYWORDS = keyword1, keyword2, keyword3

to the WebPreferences and add extra keyword data per topic like this

  * Set METAKEYWORDS = %DEFAULT_METAKEYWORDS%, keyword4, keyword5, keyword6

Caution: don't add meta data to your home topic because it will override all other meta data preferences.
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