
18 Nov 2019 - 12:54 | Version 1 |

Homepage: http://foswiki.org/Extensions/JQueryPlugin
Author(s): Michael Daum
Version: 1.10

Recompute the font size of an element based on its width.


JavaScript API

The fluidfont() plugin attaches to a jQuery object and recomputes its font-size based on its width. You can specify a width at which the original font size should be used. When the element is resized the ratio between width and font-size is maintained continuously.


  • width: standard width that will show the original font-size
  • min: minimal font size in px
  • max: maximal font size in px

Foswiki integration

FluidFont is activated for any html element that has got the jqFluidFont class. Options can be specified using JQueryMetadata.


This area uses fluid typography.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam facilisis neque id ipsum imperdiet at ornare magna auctor. Nunc condimentum enim vitae libero placerat scelerisque. Nunc eu neque orci, in hendrerit tortor. Vestibulum quis arcu sem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nibh est, consectetur quis commodo scelerisque, laoreet ac nulla. Mauris feugiat elit non ante hendrerit ut ultricies nisl aliquam. Pellentesque fermentum tortor a nunc vulputate laoreet. Nulla at odio ut magna bibendum dignissim. Duis eget lorem ut erat blandit accumsan in quis dolor.

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Click here to activate fluid font for all of this page.

jQuery(function($) {
  alert("Switching on fluid font for the body element. \n Resize the browser window to see the effect.");
    width: 1024, 
    min: 11,
    max: 20
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