This plugin is capable of extracting metadata from classes, random attributes, and child elements.
Load the plugin as required for the current page:
This is how the markup looks like:
<div class="jqMyNewPlugin {key1:'value1', key2:'value2', key3:'value3'}"> <div>
This is the plugin's initializer reading the metadata:
jQuery(function($) { var defaults = { key1: 'default1', key2: 'default2', key3: 'default3' }; // find all elements tagged .jqMyNewPlugin that aren't init'ed yet // ... using livequery instead of each to trigger initialisation of async content $(".jqMyNewPlugin:not(jqInitedMyNewPlugin)").livequery(function() { // create a jQuery object for this var $this = $(this); // prevent the markup to be init'ed multiple times $this.addClass("jqInitedMyNewPlugin"); // get plugin options by merging defaults and current json objs var opts = $.extend({}, defaults, $this.metadata()); // call the plugin handler $this.myNewPlugin(opts); }); });