
21 Jul 2015 - 19:42 | Version 1 |

Silk is a smooth, free icon set, containing over 700 16-by-16 pixel icons in strokably-soft PNG format. Containing a large variety of icons, you're sure to find something that tickles your fancy. And all for a low low price of $0.00. You can't say fairer than that.


I also love to hear of my work being used, feel encouraged to send an email with a link or screenshot of the icons in their new home to mjames at gmail dot com. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License. This means you may use it for any purpose, and make any changes you like. All I ask is that you include a link back to this page in your credits (although a giant link on every page of your website really isn't needed, contact me to discuss specifics).


These Icons come from http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk/

readme (html)

readme (txt)


index abc.png

See also: FamFamFamContrib, DocumentGraphics, FamFamFamSilkCompanion1Icons, FamFamFamFlagIcons, FamFamFamMiniIcons, FamFamFamMintIcons, FamFamFamSilkGeoSilkIcons
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