
21 Jul 2015 - 19:42 | Version 1 |

Mark James created a great set of 1,022 silky-smooth 16x16 true-colour icons in PNG format, aptly named Silk Icons.

GeoSilk icon set by Rolando Peñate


The GeoSilk icon set is derived from the Silk icon set by Mark James, the Silk Companion set by Damien Guard, and the uDig icons made by Jody Garnett of Refractions Research. It aims to extend the Silk icon set to address the needs of geospatial software.


This work is published under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License by Damien Guard.


These Icons come from http://projects.opengeo.org/geosilk

_readme (txt)


bullet arrow left.pngbullet arrow right.pngbullet black add.pngbullet black delete.pngbullet blue add.pngbullet blue delete.pngbullet goback.pngbullet green add.pngbullet green delete.pngbullet map.pngbullet orange add.pngbullet orange delete.pngbullet pink add.pngbullet pink delete.pngbullet purple add.pngbullet purple delete.pngbullet raster.pngbullet red add.pngbullet red delete.pngbullet start.pngbullet stop.pngbullet vector.pngbullet yellow add.pngbullet yellow delete.pngcog pause.pngcog play.pngcog stop.pngcompass.pngdatabase copy.pngdatabase oracle.pngdatabase picture.pngdatabase raster.pngdatabase start.pngdatabase stop.pngdatabase vector.pngdatabase wrench.pngdatabase yellow.pngdatabase yellow start.pngdatabase yellow stop.pngdecline.pngerase.pngfolder layer.pnglayers delete.pngline blue.pngline blue add.pngline blue delete.pngline green.pngline green add.pngline green delete.pngline orange.pngline orange add.pngline orange delete.pngline pink.pngline pink add.pngline pink delete.pngline purple.pngline purple add.pngline purple delete.pngline red.pngline red add.pngline red delete.pngline yellow.pngline yellow add.pngline yellow delete.pngmap save.pngmap wrench.pngmarker.pngpage white goback.pngpage white map.pngpage white palette.pngpage white picture.pngpage white raster.pngpage white vector.pngpalette add.pngpalette remove.pngpan.pngpostgis.pngraster.pngraster add.pngraster delete.pngruler.pngruler square.pngruler triangle.pngserver feed.pngserver gear.pngserver map.pngserver picture.pngserver raster.pngserver start.pngserver stop.pngserver table.pngserver vector.pngshape square blue.pngshape square blue add.pngshape square blue delete.pngshape square feed.pngshape square green.pngshape square green add.pngshape square green delete.pngshape square orange.pngshape square orange add.pngshape square orange delete.pngshape square pink.pngshape square pink add.pngshape square pink delete.pngshape square purple.pngshape square purple add.pngshape square purple delete.pngshape square red.pngshape square red add.pngshape square red delete.pngshape square yellow.pngshape square yellow add.pngshape square yellow delete.pngstar grey.pngstar half grey.pngvector.pngvector add.pngvector delete.png

See also: FamFamFamContrib, DocumentGraphics, FamFamFamSilkIcons, FamFamFamFlagIcons, FamFamFamMiniIcons, FamFamFamMintIcons, FamFamFamSilkGeoSilkIcons
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