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SUBSCRIBE{ attributes } - subscribe the current user for notification of changes to the current topic

17 Jun 2015 - 22:52 | Version 1 |

Anywhere in a topic or template:
  • %SUBSCRIBE{...}% or simply %SUBSCRIBE%
    Parameter Default Meaning
    who Logged-in user Who to subscribe (wikiname, no web)
    topic Current topic Topic to subscribe to. Wildcards may be used e.g. topic="Item*" will subscribe to all topics starting with Item. Use topic="Main.*" to subscribe to the WebNotify for the Main web.
    unsubscribe Not set If set to "on", will unsubscribe the user

The format of the Subscribe/Unsubscribe button is defined in a template file templates/subscribe.tmpl. The normal skin mechanisms can be used to override this with your own local definitions. The default template works with Javascript to provide a smooth interactive experience.

ALERT! The format and formatunsubscribe parameters have been removed and will be ignored. The version of PatternSkin shipped with Foswiki 1.1.9 used these parameters.

Pädagogische Hochschule Schwyz
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