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Parent package: Foswiki::Store::QueryAlgorithms
Child packages:

    internal package Foswiki::Store::QueryAlgorithms::BruteForce is a Foswiki::Store::Interfaces::QueryAlgorithm

    Implements Foswiki::Store::Interfaces::QueryAlgorithm

    Default brute-force query algorithm. Works by hoisting regular expressions out of the query tree to narrow down the set of topics to be tested. Then uses the query 'evaluate' method on each topic in turn to fully evaluate the remaining query.

    Not sure exactly where the breakpoint is between the costs of hoisting and the advantages of hoisting. Benchmarks suggest that it's around 6 topics, though this may vary depending on disk speed and memory size. It also depends on the complexity of the query.

    ClassMethod new( $class, ) → $cereal

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