
See PublishedAPI for packages intended to be used by Plugin and Contrib authors, or browse all packages.
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Parent package: Foswiki::Prefs
Child packages:

    internal package Foswiki::Prefs::CacheRAM is a Foswiki::Prefs::TopicRAM

    This is a preference backend used to get preferences defined in a topic and cache them in memory.

    ClassMethod new(@_)

    Creates a preferences backend object.

    ObjectMethod finish()

    Break circular references.

    ObjectMethod cacheHits() → $int

    returns the number of hits to the memory cache

    ObjectMethod getEntry() → \%entry

    returns a cache entry for the given topic object

    ObjectMethod setEntry() → \%entry

    stores the private values into the global cache.

    ObjectMethod getModificationTime() → $timestamp

    returns the file modification time of the topic object

    ObjectMethod invalidate($metaOrPath)

    this method can be called as an object as well as a class method. If called as a class method the $metaOrPath parameter is mandatory

    ObjectMethod getCacheKey($metaOrPath) → $string

    this method is an object as well as class method, similar to invalidate(). it returns the key for the current object to cache its preferences for.

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