
See PublishedAPI for packages intended to be used by Plugin and Contrib authors, or browse all packages.
See also Developing plugins, Developer's Bible, Technical Overview

Parent package: Foswiki::Plugins::TablePlugin
Child packages:

    _getIncludeParams( $includeTopic ) -> \%params

    From $includeTopic read the first TABLE tag and return its parameters.

    _convertStringToDate ( $text ) -> $number

    Convert text to number if syntactically possible, otherwise return. Assumes that the text has been stripped from HTML markup.

    _convertStringToNumber ( $text ) -> $number

    Convert text to number if syntactically possible, otherwise return. Assumes that the text has been stripped from HTML markup.

    _setSortTypeForCells ( $col, \@table )

    Sets a sort key for each cell.

    Retrieve text data from an image html tag to be used for sorting. First try the alt tag string. If not available, return the url string. If not available, return the original string.

    Appends $className to $classList, separated by a space.

    _createCssStyles( $writeDefaults, $inAttrs ) -> ($id, @styles)

    Explicitly set styles override html styling (in this file marked with comment '# html attribute').

    StaticMethod addDefaultSizeUnit ($text) -> $text

    Adds size unit 'px' if this is missing from the size text.

    _mergeHashes (\%a, \%b ) -> \%merged

    Merges 2 hash references.

    Shorthand debugging call.

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