
See PublishedAPI for packages intended to be used by Plugin and Contrib authors, or browse all packages.
See also Developing plugins, Developer's Bible, Technical Overview

Parent package: Foswiki::Plugins
Child packages:

    internal package Foswiki::Plugins::TWikiCompatibilityPlugin

    initPlugin($topic, $web, $user, $installWeb) → $boolean

    • $topic - the name of the topic in the current CGI query
    • $web - the name of the web in the current CGI query
    • $user - the login name of the user
    • $installWeb - the name of the web the plugin is installed in


    If the TWiki web does not exist, change the request to the System

    This may not be enough for Plugins that do have in topic preferences.

    postRenderingHandler( $text )

    • $text - the text that has just been rendered. May be modified in place.

    using the same simplistic mechanism as DistributedServersPlugin, we find all the System and TWiki web pub URL's and make sure they actually exist. If not, we look in the 'other' place, and modify them if that file does exist.

    renderWikiWordHandler($linkText, $hasExplicitLinkLabel, $web, $topic) → $linkText

    • $linkText - the text for the link i.e. for [[Link][blah blah]] it's blah blah, for BlahBlah it's BlahBlah, and for BlahBlah it's Blah Blah.
    • $hasExplicitLinkLabel - true if the link is of the form [[Link][blah blah]] (false if it's =[Blah]] or =BlahBlah)
    • $web, $topic - specify the topic being rendered

    Called during rendering, this handler allows the plugin a chance to change the rendering of labels used for links.

    Return the new link text.

    Since: Foswiki::Plugins::VERSION 2.0

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