
See PublishedAPI for packages intended to be used by Plugin and Contrib authors, or browse all packages.
See also Developing plugins, Developer's Bible, Technical Overview

Parent package: Foswiki::Plugins::NatSkinPlugin
Child packages:

    internal package Foswiki::Plugins::NatSkinPlugin::UserActions is a Foswiki::Plugins::NatSkinPlugin::BaseModule

    implements the %USERACTIONS macro

    init($params, $web, $topic) → $this

    initializor for this module; init is called every time %USERACTIONS is rendered

    render($params, $topic, $web) → $html

    this is the entry method for this module's main feature

    formatResult($text, $mode) → $html

    formats the result of the %USERACTIONS macro

    • $text: the format string
    • $mode: short/long decides on the verbosity of the actions' lable string

    renderAction($action, $template, $restrictedTemplate, $context, $mode) → html

    renderEdit($context, $mode) → $html

    renders the $edit action

    renderEditRaw($context, $mode) → $html

    renders the $edit_raw action

    renderView($context, $mode) → $html

    renders the $view action

    getEditUrl() → $url

    returns the edit url

    getRestoreUrl() → $url

    returns the restore url

    renderRaw($context, $mode) → $html

    renders the $raw action

    renderMenu($context, $mode) → $html

    renders the $menu token

    renderUserMenu($context, $mode) → $html

    renders the $usermenu token

    getPdfUrl() → $url

    renders the $pdf token. will differ depending the plugins installed. supported plugins are

    getLabelForAction($action, $mode) → $string

    returns the label for the given action and mode

    renderEditForm($context, $mode) → $html

    renders the $edit_form token

    renderArchive($context, $mode) → $html

    renders the $archive token

    renderAccount($context, $mode) → $html

    renders the $account token

    getHelpUrl() → $url

    returns the view url to the help page

    renderFirst($context, $mode) → $html

    renders the $first token

    getFirstUrl() → $url

    returns the url for a $first action

    renderLogin($context, $mode) → $html

    renders the $login token

    getLoginManager() → $loginManager

    compatibility layer to get the instance of the current login manager

    getLoginUrl() → $url

    returns the login url asking the login manager

    renderLogout($sep, $context, $mode) → $html

    renders the $logout token. unfortunately the login manager doesn't have an api for this

    getLogoutUrl() → $url

    returns the logout url

    getRegisterUrl() → $url

    get the registration url

    renderLast($context, $mode) → $html

    renders the $last token

    getLastUrl() → $url

    returns the url used in the $last token

    renderNext($context, $mode) → $html

    renders the $next token

    getNextUrl() → $url

    returns the url for the $next action

    renderPrev($context, $mode) → $html

    renders the $prev token

    getPrevUrl() → $url

    returns the url used in the $prev token

    renderDiff($context, $mode) → $html

    renders the $diff token

    getDiffUrl() → $url

    returns the url used in the $diff token

    getCurRev() → $rev

    returns the number of the current rev

    getRev() → $rev

    getNrRev() → $rev

    getPrevRev() → $rev

    gets the previous rev counting down from the current rev

    getNextRev() → $rev

    gets the next rev counting up from the current rev

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