
See PublishedAPI for packages intended to be used by Plugin and Contrib authors, or browse all packages.
See also Developing plugins, Developer's Bible, Technical Overview

Parent package: Foswiki::Plugins::ListyPlugin
Child packages:

    internal package ListyPlugin::Core


    constructor for the core

    init($this, $session)

    initializes this instance with values of this session

    LISTY($this, $params, $theTopic, $theWeb) → $result

    implementation of this macro


    returns the title of a listy item depending on its type

    FAVBUTTON($this, $params, $theTopic, $theWeb) → $result

    implementation of this macro

    getListyItems(...) → @listyItems

    returns all listy items stored in the given topic

    this function can be called in three different ways:

    • $this->getListyItems($meta)
    • $this->getListyItems($web, $topic) ... or
    • $this->getListyItems($web, $topic, $meta)

    getListyItemsByQuery($web, $topic, $query) → @listyItems

    returns a list of items by query

    getListyItemsBySolr($web, $topic, $query) → @listyItems

    returns a list of items by solr query

    getListyItemsByDBQuery($web, $topic, $query) → @listyItems

    returns a list of items by query

    syncQueryListy($web, $topic, $collection, $queryItems) → @items

    jsonRpcSaveListyItem($this, $request)

    jsonRpcDeleteListyItem($this, $request)

    jsonRpcSaveListy($this, $request)

    getMaxIndex($meta, $collection) → $index

    create the index of the last entry

    reads the listyplugin templates unless already loaded

    remove listy items that already exist in other collections

    convert one or multiple sidebar / leftbar topics to listies


    prints a debug message to STDERR when this module is in TRACE mode

    inlineError($text) → $html

    formats an inline error message

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