
See PublishedAPI for packages intended to be used by Plugin and Contrib authors, or browse all packages.
See also Developing plugins, Developer's Bible, Technical Overview

Parent package: Foswiki::Plugins::FilterPlugin
Child packages:

    internal package Foswiki::Plugins::FilterPlugin::Core

    core class for this plugin

    an singleton instance is allocated on demand

    ClassMethod new() → $core

    constructor for a Core object

    ObjectMethod handleFilterArea($attrs, $mode, $text, $web, $topic) → $html

    ObjectMethod handleFilter($params, $mode, $text, $web, $topic) → $html

    filter a topic or url thru a regular expression. attributes:

    * pattern * format * hits * topic * expand

    ObjectMethod handleSubst($params, $topic, $web) → $html

    implements the %SUBST macro

    ObjectMethod handleExtract($params, $topic, $web) → $html

    implements the %EXTRACT macro

    ObjectMethod handleDecode($params, $topic, $web) → $html

    implements the %DECODE macro

    ObjectMethod handleMakeIndex($params, $topic, $web) → $html

    implements the %MAKEINDEX macro

    ObjectMethod handleFormatList($params, $topic, $web) → $html

    implements the %FORMATLIST macro

    ObjectMethod getAnchorName($text) → $string

    generates an anchor name for a text

    ObjectMethod expandVariables($text, %data) → $string

    expands all variables in the %data into the text

    ObjectMethod transliterate($text, $map) → $map

    rewrites $text by mapping the key value pairs in the $map hash

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