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Parent package: Foswiki::I18N
Child packages:

    internal package Foswiki::I18N::Extract

    Support translatable strings extraction from Foswiki topics and templates. Depends on Locale::Maketext::Extract (part of CPAN::Locale::Maketext::Lexicon).

    ClassMethod new ( $session ) → $extract

    Constructor. Creates a fresh new Extract object. A $session object, instance of the Foswiki class, is optional: if it's available, it'll be used for printing warnings.

    ObjectMethod extract ( $file , $text )

    Extract the strings from $text,m using $file as the name of the current file being read (for comments in PO file, for example). Overrides the base class method but calls it so the base behavior is preserved.

    As in base class, extracted strings are just stored in the =$self='s internal table for further use (e.g. creating/updating a PO file). Nothing is returned.

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