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Parent package: Foswiki
Child packages:

    public package Foswiki::AggregateIterator is a Foswiki::Iterator

    implements Foswiki::Iterator

    Combine multiple iterators into a single iteration.

    new(\@list, $unique)

    Create a new iterator over the given list of iterators. The list is not damaged in any way.

    If $unique is set, we try to not repeat values. Warning: $unique assumes that the values are strings.

    hasNext() → $boolean

    Returns false when the iterator is exhausted.

    next() → $data

    Return the next entry in the list.

    The iterator object can be customised to pre- and post-process entries from the list before returning them. This is done by setting two fields in the iterator object:

    • {filter} can be defined to be a sub that filters each entry. The entry will be ignored (next() will not return it) if the filter returns false.
    • {process} can be defined to be a sub to process each entry before it is returned by next. The value returned from next is the value returned by the process function.

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