returns the current topic revision
see also: NATMAXREV, PREVREV,%MESSAGEBOX{"<text>" type="..." showicon="on/off" sticky="on/off" translate="on/off"}%
This renders a DIV html element with the appropriate style. See the examples here.
is the content within the message box
toggles the icon of message box types that come with one by default
is one of success, info, error, warning, help, tip, message or alt
if switched on will keep the message box sticky to the top while scrolling passed it
if switched on the text will be translated using MultiLingualPlugin
returns a link to add or change the form attached to a topic. This
will be shown on the edit screen depending on WEBFORMs being defined or not.
More precisely NATFORMBUTTON returns %lt;format>
string may contain the following variables $url
: the url of the link
: the link text
: the complete anchor including the link and the text
will generate a pipe and the formbutton
if possible.
returns a list of all known skin styles.
returns a list of all known styles variations.
returns a formatted list of forms that can be attached to a topic. typically used
in the changeform
skin template.
paramters: header
substitute for %MAXREV%
which differes all too much on Beijing, Cairo
and Dakar. This version grants to behave the same.
returns either a textual or a graphical a logo to be used in the header bar depending on a set of preference variables.
NATWEBLOGO will check for a couple of preference variables in the following order:%NATSKIN_LOGO%
if defined
if defined
if defined
if defined
* Set NATSKIN_LOGO = /path/to/your/natskinlogo.gif * Set WIKILOGOIMG = /path/to/your/defaultlogo.gif
returns the previous topic revision taking NumberOfRevisions
into account
%USERACTIONS{"<format>" ...}%
display separate sets of actions for anonymous or authenticated users. $help
, defaults to UsersGuide (see below)
%WEBCOMPONENT{"name" web="<name>" lineprefix="<prefix>" multiple=""}%
Arguments: name
: The name of the WebComponent topic.
: The web to fetch the component from. Default to the current web.
: A prefix to be added to each line of the web component topic before inclusion. Typically three space characters.
: If defined WEBCOMPONENT will allow for multiple inclusions of the same web component topic.
The WEBCOMPONENT tag will retrieve the component where it was found first. Thereby the component can be customize for each web separately if required. If it is not defined locally a predefined component will be returned. Components can be predefined in the Main and the System where the name of the component is prefix with "Site" to distinguish them from the local web components that may already be present in the Main and the System. As a last resort the local components of the System are used.
By default the NatSkin comes with predefined componentsName | Version | Description |
Foswiki::Contrib::CopyContrib | >=2.0 | Required |
Foswiki::Contrib::FamFamFamContrib | >=2075 | Required |
Foswiki::Contrib::JQSelect2Contrib | >1.01 | Required |
Foswiki::Contrib::JQAjaxFormContrib | >=0 | Required |
Foswiki::Contrib::WebFontsContrib | >=1 | Required |
Foswiki::Plugins::AutoTemplatePlugin | >=2.01 | Required |
Foswiki::Plugins::BreadCrumbsPlugin | >=4318 | Required |
Foswiki::Plugins::CaptchaPlugin | >=2.0.0 | Optional |
Foswiki::Plugins::DBCachePlugin | >=12 | Required |
Foswiki::Plugins::DiffPlugin | >=2.0 | Required. |
Foswiki::Plugins::FilterPlugin | >=3491 | Required |
Foswiki::Plugins::FlexFormPlugin | >=5.3 | Required |
Foswiki::Plugins::FlexWebListPlugin | >=3493 | Required |
Foswiki::Plugins::GridLayoutPlugin | >=1.00 | Required |
Foswiki::Plugins::ImagePlugin | >=2.40 | Required |
Foswiki::Plugins::JQueryPlugin | >=7.00 | Required |
Foswiki::Plugins::ListyPlugin | >=1 | Required |
Foswiki::Plugins::MetaCommentPlugin | >=2.80 | Optional |
Foswiki::Plugins::MimeIconPlugin | >=1 | Required |
Foswiki::Plugins::MoreFormfieldsPlugin | >=4.00 | Required |
Foswiki::Plugins::MultiLingualPlugin | >=2.00 | Required |
Foswiki::Plugins::NatEditPlugin | >=8.00 | Required |
Foswiki::Plugins::RedDotPlugin | >=1 | Required |
Foswiki::Plugins::RenderPlugin | >=6.00 | Required |
Foswiki::Plugins::SecurityHeadersPlugin | >=2.00 | Optional |
Foswiki::Plugins::PixabayPlugin | >=0 | Optional |
Foswiki::Plugins::TopicInteractionPlugin | >=1340 | Required |
Foswiki::Plugins::WebLinkPlugin | >=2.1 | Required |
Foswiki::Plugins::WebCreatorPlugin | >=1 | Required |
Foswiki::Plugins::ZonePlugin | >=3.1 | Required. required for Foswiki < 1.1 |
Foswiki::Plugins::TopicTitlePlugin | >1.00 | Required for Foswiki < 2.2 |
11 Feb 2025: | fixed endRenderingHandler introducing newlines |
27 Jan 2025: | new major release |
11 Aug 2023: | added %MESSAGEBOX macro; moved some of the basic HTML optimizations from PageOptimizerPlugin into here; support for darkmode feature; improved topic restore feature |
12 Feb 2019: | major release for NatSkin 6.0 |
23 Jan 2017: | better handing of revision infos being attached to a h1; removed detection of old Internet Explorers as well as warning for unsupported browsers; better support for Foswiki:Extensions/DiffPlugin; hide "New" button based on web, not on topic access rights |
25 Feb 2016: | improved support for pdf printouts; removed secure headers as that's a plugin of its own now |
17 Jul 2015: | better integration with Foswiki:Extensions/AutoTemplatePlugin; better detection of Internet Explorer versions; added edit_raw action; added support for Foswiki-2.0; properly searching for WebComponents in the web holding the local SitePreferences ... which not necessarily is the user web |
27 Feb 2015: | finally 4.00 |
29 Aug 2014: | third beta |
28 Mar 2013: | second beta |
14 Mar 2013: | first beta of new release |
16 Mar 2005: | Initial version |